cosnova corporate carbon footprint

Enabling progress - recognizing opportunities - taking accountability

We're passionate about beauty and sustainability, ensuring our impact on caring for the planet is as stunning as our products. Our corporate carbon footprint is a vital measure of our environmental performance, tracking all greenhouse gas emissions from our operations, supply chain, and product lifecycle. Supporting our SBTi commitments is our dedication to environmental stewardship, which is a significant part of our beauty journey.

cosnova Carbon footprint 2023 - Overall result

Facts & figures

Emission sources

Emission sources

Corporate carbon footprint

2022 vs. 2023 (1)

2022 vs. 2023 (2)

We always

  • Monitor Progress: we keep a close eye on our journey towards emission reduction targets.
  • Spot Opportunities: we identify areas where we can shine brighter by improving efficiency.
  • Stay Accountable: we maintain transparency and stay true to our sustainability promises.

Our commitment to sustainability has led to significant reductions in Scope 1 and 2 emissions thanks to our switch to green energy. Our Scope 3 emissions did rise in 2022 due to an increased reliance on air freight, driven by COVID-19 restrictions and port closures. Our promise: We will never stop contributing to global efforts to combat climate change and create a more beautiful, sustainable future for all.