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Our goal: To positively influence the lives of as many people as possible – locally, regionally and globally.

Our responsibility does not end with our products. Through our many social and charitable projects, we aim to do good by all the people whose lives we touch.

We donate products, support our corporate volunteering program, and help with money where it is needed: Our monetary donations go to local and regional smaller initiatives as well as to large aid organizations in environmental and humanitarian disasters. 

The Rhine-Main is our region…

We believe that not only people need to be responsible, so do businesses. That's why we like to support our region in different ways. For example, we have been making donations to Kinderklinikkonzerte e.V., an initiative that gives little patients small moments of joy, for many years. We also regularly support Tafel Deutschland e.V. with product donations.

Since 2019, cosnova has been a bee sponsor for two nearBees bee colonies in the neighbourhood, thus actively campaigning against bee mortality and for a diverse and active countryside. The 100,000 new team members live with sponsored beekeeper Cornelia in Schwalbach im Taunus, near the company's headquarters.

cosnova is very proud of its dedicated employees. Every year, our colleagues at the headquarters in Sulzbach collect Christmas presents for disadvantaged children in Romania.

We also encourage each of our employees to do something for their fellow human beings and make two working days a year available to them for social initiatives.


Bienenparte logo

… the world is our home


Our commitment to a better future does not stop at national borders. We have been supporting Jugendförderung in Litauen e.V. through the personal commitment of our employees and financially for many years.

Along our value chain, we want to have a positive impact on all the people who work with us, and also to contribute to changing societies in disadvantaged countries for the better. As a member of initiatives such as the Responsible Beauty Initiative (RBI) and the Responsible Mica Initiative (RMI), we drive industry standards for greater sustainability. Specifically, together with our partner Andheri Hilfe, we ensure better, fair working conditions for Indian mine workers and their communities.

We want to treat not only people, but also our planet, with respect. The organization Plastics For Change, which we support wholeheartedly, combines both. With the help of donations, a collection centre for plastic waste is being built in Mangalore, India. This will help in three ways: the local people can find fairly paid, safe work, the burden on the environment is reduced, and more high-quality material will be available for recycling.


cosnova says NO

We want to set an example against violence against women, raise awareness, and help women in need financially. That is why we have launched the initiative "cosnova says NO - together against violence against women" in partnership with the Union of German Zonta Clubs.